Folds of Honor 2020
With the current conditions faced by COVID, I was having difficulty trying to organize an event for Natalee’s Song.
My brother, the founder of 4 Freedom Heroes (donating to Folds of Honor), and I joined forces in a unique collaboration. He hosted an outdoor golf event and invited me to help him, offering to split the proceeds I earned for the 50/50 raffle and raffle table. This unity and collaboration were a testament to our shared values and goals, and I was very grateful. I set out to make the raffle, auction table, and silent auction monumental.
Natalee and some of my volunteers assisted with the golf tournament, the 50/50 raffle, and the raffle tables. The two organizations split the donations to the 50/50 raffle and raffle tables. Natalee’s Song raised $8,425.00 from this opportunity.
Many of my supporters also joined the golf event to help Folds of Honor. This was a significant change of pace for Natalee’s Song volunteers, donors, and supporters, some of whom even played a round of Golf.
Thank you to Curtis and 4 Freedom Heroes for allowing Natalee’s Song and me to team up and help two great causes at once. Everyone had a blast!
**As Always - Please Do Not hesitate to reach out to Natalee’s Song if you would like to volunteer for an event. Donations are made directly to the chosen foundation/organization. Thank you.